DiMenna Security Consulting

Contact Us



Personal Protection



Jerome L. DiMenna


DiMenna Security Consulting provides security consulting and educational services utilizing experts in their respective fields.  Services and programs available include:

  • Establishment and/or training of personal protection teams.
  • Design and Implementation of security management programs
  • Security and Protection Management Planning
  • Analysis of Security Staffing Needs
  • Risk Analysis (Security Surveys)
  • Security Audits (Evaluation of Existing Security Programs)
  • Development of Policies, Procedures Standards and Guidelines
  • Security, Safety and Logistical Planning for special events
  • Design/Presentation of Security Awareness Training and Education Seminars
  • Technical Design of Intrusion and Fire Protection Systems
  • Fire Protection Management and Training
  • Technical Services are offered in the areas of electronic countermeasures, covert surveillance systems and the identificaion and provision of specialized security equipment.

Educational seminars are available in the areas of:

  • Personal protection
  • Counterterrorism/anti-terrorism policy, plans and procedures
  • Security awareness
  • Foreign travel, threat briefings and individual protective measures.

”As a former U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer, federal agent and counterterrorism expert, Jerry has a solid background and expertise in security matters.  I strongly recommend Jerry DiMenna... for discreet and professional security consulting and services.”

The Honorable
 John F. Lehman,
former Secretary of the
